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Video shows shooting at demonstrations in Aden

Yemen Eco|News:

Security forces of the Southern Transitional Council, (STC), fired live bullets at demonstrators in the city of Aden, who went out in a number of districts to protest the power outage.

Activists on social media published a video showing the deployment of military crews, their pursuit of protesters, and shooting to disperse them.

Activist Majid Al-Daari confirmed, in a post on Facebook, monitored by “Yemen Eco”, entitled (Al-Mualla on a hot tin and in the footsteps of Crater and Khor Maksar), that military crews and police cars deployed on Madram Street in Aden and other streets, and opened fire on the demonstrators, “to try Opening roads by force and dispersing protesters against the continued power outage for the third day in the stricken city at all service and living levels”.

Al-daari pointed out that “electricity will ignite a revolution that uproots legitimacy and its tools in the south because people’s patience has run out, and because the southern people are alive and have not died due to the vileness of their torture and exploitation of their suffering, and they will not accept such policies of starvation and a war of subjugation from any party.

Addressing the Presidential Council and the Yemeni government, he added that the people “will sweep you all away from Aden, Goldmore, and Al-Ma’ayesh soon, and just as they swept away those who were better than you yesterday, so do not over-test the patience of your people and do not rely on the strength of your military, your brutality, and the tyranny of your power, because no one can accept the killing of His people and his family or targeting free people demanding the right to live and live”.

Citizens in a number of districts of Aden Governorate went out in protests denouncing the power outage in the city for the third day in a row, as protesters blocked a number of main roads, and the city of Mukalla in Hadramaut Governorate witnessed angry popular protests and riots, which caused traffic obstruction, denouncing the power outage and the deterioration of Living conditions.

The “Crisis24” – website, published a report Monday, monitored by the “Yemen Eco” website, in which it said that “is likely that more protests will occur denouncing the deterioration of living conditions in Aden, Yemen, until late May”, adding “and still More protests denouncing living conditions and power outages are likely to occur in Aden until late May after relevant demonstrations in recent days”.

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