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USA closes Bab al-Mandab Strait to international commercial ships

Yemen Eco| News:

The joint naval forces led by the USA in the Red Sea, directed the maritime oil and shipping companies to change their routes during the coming days, it seems an attempt to make pressure on regional and international states to participate in the American alliance in the Red Sea.

The Oil Tankers’ Association last Friday, revealed that the joint naval forces or what is called “The Prosperity Guardian” that led by USA updated its directions to the ships for avoiding passing through Bab al-Mandab Strait for several days.

According to the American CNN network, new shipping companies are passing their ships in the Red Sea after the strikes launched by the USA and UK against the Houthis in Yemen, including the Danish shipping group Torm, which said it decided to temporarily stop all sailing operations through the southern Red Sea.

The Executive Chairman of the company Stena Balak for shipping said that his company halted its passing across the Red Sea at an early time Yesterday Friday.

Also Havina company for shipping announced on Friday that it decided immediate halting for all ships heading towards Bab al-Mandab or nearby it, the company in a statement said that the decision was taken after the joint naval forces directed to stay away from the region.

Ships linked to or destined for Israel have been attacked by the Houthis in the Red Sea since the end of last year in response to the war in Gaza.

According to CNN, shipping data from the London Stock Exchange Group and the Kepler World Trade Information platform showed that at least four oil tankers have diverted their course from the Red Sea since the strikes carried out by the USA and UK on Yemen.

Earlier, the Authority of the Suez Canal issued a statement coinciding with USA directions to close Bab al-Mandab, in which it confirmed again that shipping in the Red Sea is not effected by the Sana’a’s operations.

The Chairman of the Suez Canal Authority Osama Rabai said in a statement issued on Saturday, that the shipping movement through the Sues Canal continued naturally during the last six months from the Yemeni operations, but it is not impacted only before days, since the American escalation in the Red Sea, expecting that 44 ships will pass per day only.

Since Sana’a forces started their operations in the Red Sea on 19th of last November, officials reaffirmed there are attacks only against the Israeli ships or those headed towards Israel, while the rest of the international commercial ships are safe and could pass across the Red Sea freely, Sana’a authorities, confirmed repeatedly that the USA military escalation is who will damage the international shipping in the Red Sea.

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