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How did the Yemeni attacks in the Red Sea become a nightmare that disturbs daily life for the Israelis?

Yemen Eco | report:

During the past months, many Israeli press and official reports disclosed and in numbers, about major impacts caused by the operations of Sana’a forces against the vessels destine to Israel, and the most prominent of these impacts, was the closure of Eilat port, the rise in air transport prices to Israel and delay of goods and increase of their prices, but how was the scene like in the eyes of the ordinary consumers inside Israel are far from the language of numbers?

“Yemen Eco” website observed in an electronic tour the comments of many Israelis on the social media platform “X” regarding the impact of Sana’a force’s operations, on their life’s requirements, and they are comments represented simple models that confirm what Sana’a forces are carrying out in the Red Sea has become a “nightmare” disturbs the Israeli life on daily manner.

At an early time in the current February, an Israeli young man uses an account in the name of “Just another guy” published a photo for his car, and wrote “was clarified that due to the Houthis attacks in the Red Sea, there was a lack of tires specialized for rough roads in Israel”, adding that it made me laugh and impresses me and made me angry at the same time, the Israeli media revealed that the attacks of Sana’a forces against the ships heading to Israel, hindered the arrival of all the imported goods from Asia to Israel, including cars which Eilat port used to receive them, and seemed that through the previous blog post, the matter is applied on cars’ spare parts and its appliances as well.

It is not just about cars and their spare parts only, where another Israeli is called ‘Amait Kors” earlier this month also, published a blog post monitored by “Yemen Eco” he said that “when the seller tells you that the goods declined by 50% because of the Houthis, here comes the inflation” and this is what it means that the situation has become general in various aspects of consuming market.

This is what another Israeli confirmed and presented himself as sales manager in his known account, and talked in a blog post published last January and monitored by “Yemen Eco” about light updating for the features and price of the screens “Asus” and is a well -known computer company added “but the major problem is the stockpile in Israel, currently most suppliers in Israel don’t demand new goods from Taiwan because of the Houthis”, and this means that the Yemeni operations clearly affected imports of electronic goods to Israel.

The matter also included several electrical products, whereas an Israeli account named “Board White collar” within a blog post published during last January and monitored by “Yemen Eco” said that because of the Houthis, there is no stockpiles for blenders in shop stores”.

At the same month, “Adam enfishtyan “published a blog post observed by “Yemen Eco” website, in which he said: “I have visited now two grand shop stores and there was no tobacco because of the Houthis” and angrily added: “this is the reason for declaring war.

Even the supplies of musical instruments were not saved from impacts of the Sana’a forces’ embargo for the Israeli navigation through the Red Sea and Bab al-Mandab, whereas an Israeli woman is called “Stave Evarghan” wrote earlier this month in a blog post, monitored by “ Yemen Eco” website during which she said: good evening to all who discovered that their Guitar is caught in the Red Sea because of the Houthis” She added: “A Yemeni step prevents me from promoting to the second level in my education, it is unbelievable”.

Apparently it bothered her so much that she posted another post a few days later saying: “Because of the Houthis I don’t have a new guitar.” This was in response to a post by “Yoav Rebak”, who wrote: “Can’t you find ginger anywhere? The store I was at yesterday in Yafa claims it’s because of the Houthis.

Rebak was not the only one who is complaining of the lack ginger due to the operations of Sana’a forces in the Red Sea, whereas “Naauor Menijinjer “at the of last January published a blog post observed by “Yemen Eco” website, he said: “ do you know that there is a lack of ginger because of the Houthis?”.

It seems that imports of medical products to Israel have also been affected by the operations of Sana’a forces in the Red Sea and Bab al-Mandab.

“Moshe”, who presents himself on his account ID as an investment advisor, says in a post published this month and monitored by “Yemen Eco” website that “because of the Houthis, (Naoum) has only one hearing aid.”

Regardless of Naoum’s identity, the post clearly indicates to the lack of imported medical supplies.

And “because of the Houthis” it is the phrase that repeated in all Israeli complaints, it seems that numerous services which the shop stores presented to Israel have been lowered in its level of what was before, whereas “Noya” says in a blog post published in last January and monitored by “Yemen Eco “website: I want to sigh a little bit amidst all pain” I went to buy coffee and usually the cup is available in this coffee shop with certain color, but they brought for me a white cup, I asked what did happen to the colored cup with the trademark? You will not believe that, but it is not available due to the Houthis.

And it was clarified that the shipment of these cups were drowned or something like that due to the Houthis”.

“Edie” also complained in log post published in last December and monitored by “Yemen Eco” of delaying delivery demand from abroad because of Sana’a forces operations in the Red Sea, whereas she said: what a mistake the delivery demand was from abroad, if I knew that the request would be coming on board of a ship, I would surrender”.

She added angrily: “who can throw a bomb on the Houthis to destroy them immediately” David Zabari “responded to her, that there is an American alliance against the Houthis, she answered that she should pray for them.

It seems that the problem of delaying the request from abroad, of the most problems that are more spread, whereas “Laital Hana” confirmed in an additional response to “Edie” that her daughter requested also from abroad and her request has not arrived.

The blog posts and comments show and was observed by “Yemen Eco” that crisis that was created by Sana’a forces in the Red Sea is inside Israel, might become within the topics that the Israelis are using to criticize the government and satire it, whereas she wrote “Tali amait” in a blog post published it, in last January: Air lines companies cancelled its flights to here due to the war, the ships did not bring us products because of the Houthis.

The blog posts and comments which observed by “Yemen Eco” shows that crisis that was created by Sana’a forces in the Red Sea is inside Israel, might become within the topics that the Israelis are using to criticize the government and satire it, whereas she wrote “Tali amait” in a blog post published it, in last January: Air lines companies cancelled its flights to here due to the war, the ships did not bring us products because of the Houthis. At the end we will really go back to a kind of Ghetto with political sovereignty but with a dysfunctional government, what interesting times.

“Ghetto” is a term given for places in Europe where Jews are said to have been grouped together to isolate them from society.

Within this context also, and comments on the Israeli Minister of Finance Smotrich, who said that “sticking with Torah will provide financial abundance and security” and “Roaji Bergman” the journalist in “Calcalist” the Hebron economic website said in a blog post monitored by “Yemen Eco’ website, this month that “economic prosperity delays because of the Houthis” they added mockingly: the ship that you brought from China, can’t enter the Red Sea, and it should turn around Africa”! Commenting on what the Israeli channel 13 published a news item, last January on the weeping of Sarah Netanyahu” the spouse of the Israeli prime minister due to the hostage’s situation, an Israeli satire writer commented “we must cry because the line of the pinky Champaign is not stable, because of the Houthis”.

“Hana Roznberge “mocked the shipping company that was working with and sacked her out, saying in a tweet published it last December, “did you remember that I have been sacked since six months from a custom clearance company dealing basically with shipping sector?

The company now losing funds because of the Houthis” she added mockingly” the conclusion: do not kick me out”.

All these comments indicate that problem of the embargo of Sana’a forces for the Israeli navigation movement in the Red Sea and Bab Al-Mandab has become a steady part of reality of the Israelis, and they can’t avoid it because it touches their needs in several aspects, starting with the necessary items, reaching to the complementary things, even it might become a title applicable in satire of the government and criticizing the situation in general.

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