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Due to the Yemeni embargo….an Israeli ship takes this duration to arrive to Haifa port

Yemen Eco | News:

Navigation data briefed by ‘Yemen Eco” website showed that an Israeli containers carrier “ Zim Pusan” avoided passing through the Red Sea and took longer journey around Africa for 37 days in its way to Haifa, on the background of the targeting of Sana’a forces to the Israeli ships.

Navigation data reported that the Israeli ship “Zim Pusan” that coming from eastern Asia was forced to go around Africa through the Cape of good hope on its way to Haifa and from it to The Turkish port “Mersin” avoiding the Yemeni embargo in the Red Sea.

Data show that the voyage of the Israeli ship from China to Israel took nearly 37 days, as the ship departed from the Chinese port “Da Chan” Gulf port on last January 6, and arrived at the “Colombo” port in Sri lanka, on January 14, and left it the next day, and the ship turned around the continent of Africa to reach the port of Haifa on current February 13th.

The Israeli ships along with the global ships heading to the Israeli ports avoid passing through the Red Sea and the Arab sea, after the announcement of Sana’a forces targeting the Israeli ships or the linked to Israel in support of the people of Gaza Strip.

A report published by the channel 14 Israeli TV recently, confirmed that the Houthis threat represented by the embargo of the Israeli ships in the Red Sea led to the increase of the prices in Israel, disrupted the supply of medicine and caused the closure of the port of the Israeli army’s Eilat (Umm al-Rash rash) port.

According to the report published by the channel electronic website and monitored by “Yemen Eco” website, the ministry of intelligence warned the Israeli Economic Committee of possible risks, in the series of basic food products’ supply to Israel due to the Houthis threat in the Red Sea.

The Israeli ministry pf intelligence submitted during a private discussion with Israeli Economic Committee a paper showed the risks that threatened the series of basic supply to Israel, and included a recommendation of a series of steps for the early preparation for prohibiting the effects of the food and medicine security.

The Israeli representative of the ministry of finance in the meeting said: they are expecting an increase of 80% in the cost of transport of vehicles from the far east, which is a cost reaches millions of dollars annually, meanwhile, the chief executive of Eilat port, Jadaon Jolbar, said during the discussion that the port stopped entirely due to the situation.

The Israeli report is saying that Israel depends enormously on supplies from the east in supplying commodities that are considered necessary as food commodities, while the commercial data indicate to 77% of imported basic materials to Israel come from China and India and arrive to Israel mainly through sea transport from the Red Sea.

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