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English Reports

Agricultural experts: Yemeni coffee carries genes that distinguish it from other varieties in the world

Yemen Eco | News:

Agricultural experts emphasized that Yemeni coffee is distinguished and unique from other types of coffee with special genes that are not found in any coffee in the world, this came during scientific lectures held on the sidelines of the Sana’a International Coffee Exhibition and the Coffee Marketing Festival, which were launched last Sunday in Al-Sabeen Park in Sana’a and will continue until next Thursday.

The lectures, which were presented by experts and specialists in the field of coffee and tasters, and published by the official news agency (Saba) in Sana’a, pointed to the importance of raising social awareness and activating the role of agricultural guidance to promote modern techniques and promote coffee, and educate farmers on the necessary modern practices to be followed and adhered to, which help achieve abundant and high-quality crop production.

Economic expert in coffee production, Engineer Saeed Al-Sharjabi, considered in his lecture entitled “Proper Harvesting Methods and Post-Harvest Transactions” that the more farmers are aware of proper agricultural practices and post-harvest transactions, the more it contributes to improving productivity and crop quality, increasing its competitive advantage compared to external products.

Also, during the events, a scientific lecture on electronic marketing of coffee was presented, which focused on the role of websites and social media platforms that help promote this product, enhance its reputation, and strive to market it locally and internationally.

It is worth noting that the American agency “Bloomberg” previously stated that Yemeni coffee is gaining global fame due to its high quality, receiving praise as the best coffee in the world. In a report, it mentioned that one pound of Yemeni coffee is sold for $240, meaning that the price of one kilogram is approximately $500, and one ton reaches around half a million dollars.

Coffee cultivation is widespread in the central, northern and western highlands of Yemen as the coffee tree grows at an altitude of 700 to 2,400 meters above sea level in a tropical climate that is hot and humid during the growth period, and hot and dry during the harvest period. as well as coffee cultivation requires large amounts of water.

Since Yemen produces many types of coffee such as Ismaili, Harazi, Haymi, Al-Kholani and Adini, which are among the more than 40 types of coffee produced in the country.

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