يمن ايكو
English Reports

What will be changed in Hodeida ports after the launching of the one window and meeting the international shipping requirements?

Yemen Eco| New

Hodeida Ports witnessed on Monday, the inauguration of the Yemeni maritime one window system aiming at simplifying and facilitating the exchange of data between all concerned agencies, the arrival of the ships and their departure, the movement of goods and containers, speeding up the procedures of their transportation, and enhancing security and safety in series of the naval supply, in accordance to what Saba official news agency affiliated with Sana’a government, where all transactions in Hodeida port will become through the unified electronic window after the transactions of reception and discharging the ships were passing through 8 agencies and accomplished by papers that will not take much of time.

(click here to enter into the one window of Hodeida ports)

The system of the maritime one window was inaugurated by the member of the Supreme Political Council Mohammed Alnaimi, along with the minister of transportation Abdulwhab Aldura, the minister industry and commerce Mohamed Almutahar meeting the international requirements in the shipping naval work and keeping up with the latest standards and the recommendations of the International Maritime Organization(IMO) which obliges all world ports to work within the maritime window, in accordance to the best international practices commencing first of January 2024.

A source in the General Authority for Investment, which launched the system for the first time in Yemen- has confirmed in a statement to “Yemen Eco” that the one window maritime system constitutes a forum for all points of services to all agencies related to maritime shipping activity, confirming that the platform represents one point to insert the data, making decisions, paying the fees and as it represents an entry point, communication and one license, in a way that safeguards the best methods for facilitating the procedures, redesigning services based on values chains from the customer’s point of view.

The Source has reaffirmed that the electronic system – started to implement it in December 2022, it is worthy to save effort, time and the arrival cost to all concerned agencies to the shipping ships’ movement and they are 8 agencies, through submitting one joint request through the system platform, based on that request, all required licenses, clearances, from the one maritime window side.

On the aspect of saving effort, the source said that” the process of license for the ship’s entry was going in a chain of prolonged procedures, multiple-notifications, starts its going out from the port of the country that the goods were shipped, passing through its entry the Yemeni borders, where the port is notified which will arrive to it through ( PHS) many times , the ship arrives to the berth before the arrival of the shipping agent who carries out its clearance via presenting its papers that are including (the crew, the goods. Its security plan) manually, to 8 agencies maritime affairs authority, specifications and standardization Authority, the Environment Authority, coastal guards, passports, industry & commerce, customs and health)

As for saving time, the source clarified that those prolonged procedures, that have been taken by the shipping agent for obtaining licenses from those agencies for the entry and discharging take most of his time might reach 27 days, confirming the one maritime window represents a platform of the electronic public service for facilitating the exchange of data between the agent and the port, and it will have branches at every port of the republic of Yemen, and works on two channels: the first to receive requests of the companies , ships or their shipping agents (clients), the second one, the response channel on the requests, whereas every corporation or any agency of the concerned agencies must enter to it and preview the requests presented via the platform, agree or disagree in according to the matching of the required conditions and criterion to issue the license for the entry of the ship, in accordance to chain of the process that needed more than 24 hours for refusal or agreement.

He indicated to the one maritime window facilitate the ships movement based on the control of the advanced coordination mechanism for the movement, where the registration of the companies, ships, sea routs and shipping presenting claims of the ships with the necessary documents, safeguarding the authentic and credibility and data transparency.

The persons in charge on the one maritime window will receive data, claims starting of the claim of the first ship before its charging with goods from the cargo port, in 24 hours, whereas the claim specified the goods that will be shipped, then, the second call comes when it goes out from the port of cargo, then when ship arrives at the Yemeni borders, when the ship arrives at the Yemeni borders, then when it arrives at the Yemen, then when arrives at the port reaching to its going out of the Yemeni borders.

 On the level of saving costs, the source expected that the one window systems and with new polices of the callings that will mitigate the insurance rates and the Yemen ports, probability that will contribute in the one window system also from and to Yemen, in reducing the costs of the cargo also from and to Yemen.

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