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Saudi Arabia obliges its allies to accept the peace process plan to exit from the Yemen war

 Yemen Eco| Report

Talk continues about indicators of reaching a peace agreement in Yemen according to a Saudi map that leads to ending the war and addressing the humanitarian and economic issues, including the disbursement of salaries, but did the Yemeni government accept actually on going forward in this map seriously, or did it accept it formally in response to external pressures and disagrees with its contents?

In a published congratulations post on his “X” platform account, on the occasion of the 30th of November anniversary, and monitored by “Yemen Eco” where the head of the General Authority for the Islah Party who is participating in the Yemeni government Mohammed Al-Yadoumi, said that “The National Coalition of Political Parties and Components seizes this opportunity to reiterate that the absence of national components from participating in consensus-making cannot lead to achieving a real and sustainable peace as much as it is a pursuit of a mirage and an encouragement for the Houthi militias to renounce the real peace that restores the state, and legitimize The coup militia’s control over the areas subject to the coup, and any regional or international, or UN efforts, that are not based on the participation of real national forces that express the popular bloc will not succeed and will waste more opportunities, the loss of which will bring more tragedies to our people, to the region, and to global security.”

He added that “any peace will not gain success unless it is based on the most important pillars of a peaceful solution, that preserves the legal status of the state, and that any peace will not be comprehensive, fair and sustainable unless it is in accordance with the three national references represented in the outcomes of the national comprehensive dialogue conference, and the regional represented in the Gulf initiative and the international represented in the pertained  security council’s resolutions, top of which is the resolution number 2216, and that for the supreme national and integrated interest, without wasting the national firmed principles and acquisitions.”

This statement included the support of the peace efforts formally and in general, but he opposed explicitly, its contents and details, and it becomes known, in accordance to the Saudi peace map itself, that the agreement which has been discussed in the negotiations since its beginning, surpassed entirely, the three references, whereas the agreement doesn’t include any signal even if its inclusive, to the withdrawal of the “Houthis “ handing over the weapons and other things that included in these references, but the negotiations have surpassed these things since several years.

And the position of “Al-Yadoumi, which raises question, is not different from the repeatedly announced situation of the Yemeni government, at the end of last November and during his reception to the head of the European mission, Gabriel Phinalais, and a number of the European ambassadors accredited to Yemen, the Prime Minister Maen Abdul- Malik reaffirmed that “ the steady position of the government and the Presidential Leadership Council, towards the resumption of the political process under the patronage of UN, and bringing peace, in accordance to the three references, and supporting the efforts of the Saudi brothers’ mediation, according to Saba news Agency.

Before that, in the mid of the month, during the meeting of all presidential leadership council’s members with the American special envoy, Tim Linder King, and the American Ambassador to Yemen, Steven Wagen, “the Head of Presidential Leadership Council and the council’s members in this meeting, mentioned in this context, the position of the council and the government, opened on all initiatives, for halting the war, and reviving the peace process based on the agreed references, nationally, regionally and internationally, according to Saba news agency.

After the arrival of Sana’a government negotiating delegation to Riyadh, in September, the Yemeni government, issued a statement in which it welcomed, the Saudi, Omani, and UN efforts reaffirming “continuation of its open approach on all the initiatives aiming to prevailing just and comprehensive peace, in accordance to the three references and in what safeguards the end of the coup, restoring the state’s institutions, and the security, stability, and development in Yemen.” According to the Middle East newspaper affiliated with the Saudi intelligence.

In August, the member of the Presidential Leadership Council, Sultan Al-Eradah, said during a meeting with UN special envoy Hans Grundberge., in Mareb, that the” presidential Council, renewed  confirmation of support to the government and the efforts of the UN special envoy for achieving peace, with the necessity of sticking to the three basic references, ( the Gulf initiative and its executive mechanism, the outcomes of the national dialogue conference and the UN resolution 2016).”

While, the member of the Presidential Council, Aidrous Al-Zubaidi who welcomed during last month more than once the peace efforts, he laid out different exceptions for his position, whereas he spoke in November during a meeting with the French ambassador to Yemen about the necessity of putting a special framework, for the cause of the southern people, to safeguard its presence at all the stages of the political process  to its focal point and importance in ending the conflict” according to the website of the Transitional  Council.”

As for Presidential Council member Aidaroos Al-Zubaidi, who welcomed peace efforts more than once last month, he made various exceptions to his position, as he spoke in mid-November during a meeting with the French ambassador to Yemen about “the necessity of establishing a special framework for the issue of the people of the South that guarantees their presence in all stages of the political process.” “Because of its centrality and importance in ending the conflict,” according to the Transitional Council’s website.

Earlier, in September, Al-Zubaidi stated to the British Newspaper” The Guardian” that he was called to visit Riyadh and stayed for two days, without meeting the Saudi negotiators, and said that the “government doesn’t know anything about negotiations except from the news, “ and that in concurrence with welcoming of the Yemeni government with  Saudi efforts for peace, these positions indicated clearly that Yemeni government possesses explicit reservations on the Saudi peace map in spite of the announcement for its support.

The continuous contradiction between the official welcome of Saudi peace efforts and the repeated talk about considerations that go beyond the negotiations, such as the three references, confirmed that Saudi Arabia forced the Yemeni government to agree on the peace map for taking itself out of the war in Yemen and that the reservations of the Yemeni government are not influential in the context of the understandings between Saudi Arabia and the Sana’a government.

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