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Exclusive: Details of the flee of Israeli ships from the Red Sea and companies refuse to ship to Israeli ports

Yemen Eco | News

Informed sources to “Yemen Eco ” website reassured that a number of Israeli ships loaded with shipments of Israeli companies, changed their routes in the Red Sea, fear to be subjected to detention by the maritime forces affiliated to Sana’a government, (al-Houthis).

According to these informed sources, commercial ships loaded with shipments for companies inside Israel stopped before its entrance to Bab al-Mandab Strait and retreated to the ports that came from, the Israeli ships according to the informed sources stressed that these ships stopped in their places before reaching Bab al-Mandab Strait and turned off their tracking systems, amidst expectations in changing their navigation paths.

As “Yemen Eco” website followed up the Asian ports statements that exposed the delay of ships movement till now, whereas it was supposed that they carry various   commercial shipments among them commercial ships carry food and construction materials, for Israeli importing companies, where it is expected that the delay of those shipments refers to fear of the companies owners of these commercial ships of being subjected to detention by Sana’a forces who called the countries for preventing their citizens and companies to deal with Israel.

Earlier, Reuters news agency reaffirmed that two Israeli ships changed their routes from the Red Sea and the Gulf Aden, fear from subjected to the detention by Sana’a forces indicating that the two ships are affiliated to the same company that Sana’a forces detained on of its ships Yesterday Sunday.

Reuters has published news observed by “Yemen Eco” website in which it said that navigation statements and Ameri British company for maritime security ” exposed that two commercial ships changed their routes in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, were linked with same maritime group|” that the Yemeni Houthis captured one of its ships last Sunday, and confirmed the news of the retreat of the loaded ships with Israeli ships, the authenticity of what has been published by “Yemen Eco” website before two days, attributed  a source of Sana’a government that messages were sent to the passing ships in the Red Sea, that any ship will be targeted if it is heading to the Israeli ports, and the ships were informed by calling systems warning of offering any services of shipment to Israel.

The source clarified the concerned agencies received a reply from some non- Israeli ships they were in their way to the Israeli ports and changed their routes.

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