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Exclusive news: Sana’a receives an important letter from Saudi Arabia and the Emirates, and what does Tarq Saleh do in Jordan?

Yemen Eco| Reports

Reliable sources close to “Yemen Eco” website revealed that Saudi Arabia and the UAE have informed Sana’a that they don’t want to escalate the fronts in Yemen, and don’t have any relationship with arrangements that are carried out for that, and this assures the authenticity of what Yemen Eco website has published of previous reports on the USA which pushes towards escalation against Sana’a in Yemen by the Yemeni government that is showing increasing response to the American approach.

The sources said to “Yemen Eco” that Sana’a received Saudi and Emirates’ letters during the past days, confirmed that there aren’t any intentions with Riyadh and Abu Dhabi to carry out any escalation against Sana’a, and will not participate at the American movements that seek for motivating the fronts in Yemen in response to the attacks that targeted Israel.

Earlier, Mahdi Almshat Head of the Council, announced earlier that Sana’a government received American threats in the return of war if the military operations in support of the Palestinian resistance will continue, and this is what the American envoy to Yemen Tim Linder King hinted when he had spoken recently about “fears of dragging Yemen into another war.”

Meanwhile, many reports in the American and Israeli media had indicated during the past days the probability of the Saudi and Emirati military role that will be played to make pressure on Sana’a so as stop attacks on Israel, Saudi Arabia the leader of the coalition did not show any indication to go forward for any escalation, in order to maintain the understandings achieved over the past period with Sana’a government, fearing that military strikes on the Saudi facilities will return, and that Riyadh had recently started a movement to push for peace agreement with Sana’a government.

The Middle East Newspaper affiliated to Saudi intelligence disclosed this week, that Saudi Arabia practices financial pressures on the Yemeni government to prevent it from involving in the American escalation, whereas the newspaper said that the government, “is facing enormous challenges regarding the payment of the employees’ salaries in all the state’s institutions, in its controlled areas, providing fuel for operating the power generation stations in that areas, and “confronting these challenges are in two directions” first, is to obtain additional financial facilities, the second, is the continuation of work with the coalition command for supporting the legitimacy in order to reach a peaceful agreement,”

 and that is what has been disclosed, that Saudi Arabia makes pressure on the government not to hand over the rest of the financial grant if the escalation takes place.

There have been signs of escalation on the part of the USA and the Yemeni government since the return of Chief of Staff Saghir bin Aziz from a visit to the U.S. He made intensive visits to the border fronts and Meedi, He stated that government forces are ready to deal with any emergency.

It seems that it is an indication that Saudi Arabia and the Emirates don’t want to involve themselves, therefore, the member of the Presidential Leadership Council headed to Jordan in a sudden visit coincides with presence of the American Secretary of State Antoni Blinken, and military officials in the country which represents a launching base for the American movements regarding Palestine, and unusually, Saudi Arabia and the Emirates did not host any escalation meetings, but the last meeting gathered the Saudi minister of defense and the responsible of Yemen’s file Khalid Bin Salman with Head of the Leadership Council Rashad Alalimi, during which the latter confirmed the necessity of reaching a political solution and prevailing peace in Yemen.

This visit came in parallel with the indications of real movement for the west coast front, which the forces affiliated with Tarq Saleh are present there, whereas “Alhadith Saudi channel mentioned at the beginning of the week that” the joint forces affiliated with Saudi intelligence have recently attributed a source in the Yemeni ministry of defense as saying” the concentration of the Yemeni armed forces is focused within this stage of the exploitation of the Houthis of the Palestinian cause”.

Also, The Middle East Newspaper affiliated with Saudi intelligence, recently quoted a source in the Yemeni Ministry of Defense as saying that “the government forces’ focus at this stage is on the Houthis’ exploitation of the Palestinian issue.”

Observers see that the visit of Tarq Saleh to Jordan after the return of “Bin Aziz” from the US and not including these sudden movements connected to the developments in Palestine for any visits to Saudi Arabia or the Emirates, because of fear of the collapse of peace understandings with Sana’a and the return of the military operations trans borders

In spite of Saudi Arabia intercepting missiles launched by Sana’a government towards Israel during the past days, this does not relate to escalation in Yemen. Instead, it is related to an agreement with America to hinder any attacks from reaching Israel. This agreement was announced by the US Secretary of Defense during his recent meeting with his Saudi counterpart in America, where they discussed the ” enhancement of air, missiles and maritime defenses” according to the Pentagon.

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