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Exclusive: The Yemeni government is close to declaring bankruptcy, and Saudi Arabia is committed to dismissing its premiere

Yemen Eco |Sources

Sources in the Yemeni government stated to” Yemen Eco” website about escalating crisis between the Yemeni government and the Saudis regarding what is related to delivering the rest of the financial grant payment, which the website revealed earlier, that Saudi Arabia stipulates that the financial grant be delivered based on the dismissal of the Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed.

The source said to “Yemen Eco” website that the Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik had informed the Head of the Leadership Council Rashad Alalimi that the government facing  huge deficit in fulfilling its financial and economic obligations, and he would not be responsible for reaching bankruptcy at any time, and not  fulfilling these obligations, because Saudi Arabia is still refusing to deliver the second payment of the Saudi financial grant, and it refused also to allow the sales deal of 18 million barrel of oil, in June, to Emirati  company in reducing 35% of the price.

The Yemeni MP Ali Ashal published on Saturday in a tweet monitored by “Yemen Eco” website a document included a letter directed by Maeen to Alalimi last June, had informed him that the Yemeni government received a proposal from “Emo” company its headquarter in the UAE, where the company committed to purchase and provide the necessary security protection for exporting crude oil and bear all risks and consequences of the exporting operation, in order to obtain a discount with 35% of the value 3.5 million barrel available in Hadramout’s reservoirs and 30% of the value 14.5 million barrel are produced in the future, at a new framework about the reasons of requirements of the deal. Maeen talked in the document about the “delay of the economic support forms” in an indication to the Saudi support.

That indicates to the crisis between Maen and Saudi Arabia on the background of the support that already started before the announcement of submitting the grant estimated at 1.2 billion dollars, in August, but has not received the second payment so far.

A government source revealed to” Yemen Eco” website last month that Saudi Arabia refused handing over the second payment of the grant, stipulating the dismissal of Maeen Abdulmalik and that on the back ground of a profound crisis the telecommunications deal with UAE. Which stipulates the sale of 70% of the company’s assets Aden net to NX the UAE company. The source revealed then, that the Saudi ambassador expressed his displeasure about the PM Maeen Abdulmalik in the meeting after the signing of the telecommunications deal, and had accused him of betrayal to Saudi Arabia, which he had confirmed that it was whom nominated him for heading the cabinet in spite that his was not included.

Maeen has already visited Qatar last month, and said that to the Qatari Alsharek Newspaper and to the website of Alrabi channel the government is facing a financial deficit and it would not pay the employees’ salaries after three months.

Observers said that the visit of Maeen and his statements were a message that restoring to Qatar which had differences with Saudi Arabia in a n attempt to get out of the dilemma that faces the PM due to his crisis with Saudia Arabia.

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