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USAID report: Sana’a government surpassed the Yemeni government in the reduction of the prices

Yemen Eco | follow up

USAID registered another surpass for Sana’a government on the Yemeni government in Aden pertain the economic performance, this time the surpass comes in the reduction of the prices of food baskets and wheat and rice materials, this surpass refers to the nature of the procedures that dealt by the two governments with the international changes for the prices.

The report which came under the title ..”Yemen acute food insecurity” and was observed by Yemen Eco website deals with several pivots most significant the statue que in the Sana’a government’s regions and the Yemeni government, the expectations for the coming period from August to January 2024, in addition to expectations of the food security and its relationship with level of providing the humanitarian assistance.

Yemen Eco website previews the report of the USAID in separate series reports, in accordance to the themes, whereas the website previews in its second report what the agency stated in regard to wheat and the food baskets prices.

In what relates to the food basket prices, the report disclosed “in July 2023, the minimum cost for the food basket in Sana’a’s government regions higher in a percentage of 26% of the average of 5 years and higher in more than 100% from the average of the 5 years in the areas that are controlled by the Yemeni government”.

In its expectations in the coming period the agency said in its report that it is expected that the prices of the food materials will be raised significantly along the expectation period in the areas that are controlled by the Yemeni government, pushed by primarily by the reduction of the local price value amidst acute shortage in revenues. “

The report also disclosed that the food basket’s price during the current year compared to last year in areas of the Yemeni government’s control against the price reduction this year from last year, in the areas of Sana’a’s government areas, whereas the report said that “in June 2023, the price of the food basket in Aden equivalent to the previous year, but it was higher with rate of 7% of last year, and in the areas of Sana’a government, the cost of the food basket was equivalent for the previous month but it was less in the rate of 13% of last year.

The report moved to the analysis of data and variables of the wheat prices, whereas it clarified that the flour of the basic wheat price was stable, in general or slightly reduced in most governorates during the period from June to July 2023.

The report added that the prices of wheat were reduced in the areas of Sana’a governorate against its increase in the areas of the Yemeni government, but the prices in both governments are still higher than of what it was before 5 years.

In this context, the report says the price of basic wheat flour “was in the Sana’a government areas less at the rate of 23% of last year, but remained higher of the average of 5 years” adding that “in the Yemeni government areas increased the prices of July at the rate of 9% of last year and more of the double average of the last 5 years.

It was of rare times that the report did not expose the surpass of the Sana’a government, it came in what is related to the supply situation for rice and not for the prices whereas the report clarified that “the price of rice nonBasamti stable in both reference markets in spite of the ban of export which was imposed by India, in spite of this might be as a result of the delay for the response, whereas 40-60 % of Yemen’s imports of rice comes from India.

What is attracting in the matter, is the USAID which admitted the surpass of the Sana’a government contributes in several teams for drawing the financial and economic policies for the Yemeni government in Aden, especially in the Central Bank and the ministry of finance.

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